The Inspired Word God Breathed Revelation The Holy Scriptures or Bible as we call them today is actually a collection of sixty-six books divided into the Old Testament and New Testament. Over forty different men were responsible for writing these books, while taking over 1500 years to write them. While God used many individuals to complete the writings, it was He alone who directed the thoughts of the men and contents of the written word. In that sense there was only one writer which explains how there are no contradictions, even though written by many different men with very diverse backgrounds and cultures. Contained within the pages of the Bible is a complete picture of the History of Mankind. Beginning in Genesis we read about the creation of the universe and man. Here we see the great and awesome power of God at work as he speaks into existence everything we know. The introduction of sin into the world is also recorded for us as we see Adam and Eve disobeying God for the first time. Three Ages There are three distinct time periods we see recorded in the Scriptures, the Patriarchal Age, the Mosaical Age, and finally the Christian Age. These three ages show us the progression of God's will and relationship with Mankind. God would speak directly to man on an individual basis during the Patriarchal Age. During this age God would destoy all but eight people during the great flood and also make a covenant with Abraham resulting in his offspring becoming the twelve tribes of Israel. Through Moses, God would give Israel the Ten Commandments bringing in the Mosaical Age. It is often overlooked that Jesus lived during the Mosaical age and was subject to the Law of Moses. Through perfect obedience to the Law of Moses, Jesus would become qualified to be the ultimate sacrifice for Mankind. Jesus brought into effect the Christian Age as the third and final age for the world. Today we live in the Christian age and are told the end of this age will come with the destruction of the world, the end of all ages, and the second coming of Christ. To understand the entire collection of books in the Bible to be "God breathed" is to accept them as His Word. These words alone represent His revealed will to man and are the only basis for any valid belief. |
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